Friday, March 7, 2014

What Tin Flaming Nosotros Larn From Betrayal?

 of import lessons when someone betrays us What Can We Learn from Betrayal?

How should a Christian handgrip betrayal? What should nosotros create when someone betrays a confidence, slanders us, turns on us for no reason, or kicks us when we're down

We tin larn several things from these situations:

1. We can't trust everyone (1 Corinthians 5:11; 1 Corinthians 15:33).
We must move careful most sharing confidences alongside those who aren’t walking alongside the Lord. In fact, Scripture tells us to Avoid Four Types of People.

2. We tin supply practiced for evil (Romans 12:19-21).
We don't desire the other person's selfishness to rub off on us.

3. We tin forgive someone without trusting them (Proverbs 25:19; Mark 11:25).(1)
We must avoid bitterness, precisely nosotros must equally good avoid foolishness. Just because we've forgiven someone doesn't hateful nosotros must receive got them into our confidence again.

Let's permit these situations to brand us stronger, wiser, together with to a greater extent than gracious.
(1) Trust isn't an automatic effect of forgiveness. People require to attempt out themselves trustworthy (Matthew 3:8; Acts 26:20).

 of import lessons when someone betrays us What Can We Learn from Betrayal?

Bible Love Notes