Thursday, March 20, 2014

God's Sentiment Of Homosexuality

The most loving affair nosotros tin create is sympathise what the Bible teaches virtually homosexuality a God's View of Homosexuality

Our civilization is convinced that homosexuality is an appropriate lifestyle.

But Scripture says otherwise.

Satan wants to ruin lives, too Christians who approve homosexuality bring together him inwards that effort. The most mean value affair a Christian tin create is condone something that God says damages people's bodies, minds, too spirits.(1)

Let's own got a await at Scripture's pedagogy on homosexuality then nosotros don't autumn prey to this serious error.

The most loving affair nosotros tin create is sympathise what the Bible teaches virtually homosexuality a God's View of Homosexuality
The Old Testament condemns whatever sexual human relationship exterior married, heterosexual partners (Leviticus 18:22-24; Leviticus 20:13).(2)

 Sometimes people discount the Old Testament laws because non all were permanent. It's true. Sacrificial too dietary laws were fulfilled inwards Christ. And some Old Testament laws were specifically for the acre of Israel. But that doesn't negate the Old Testament moral laws.(3)

However, nosotros don't request Old Testament laws to attempt out homosexuality is a sin. The New Testament too condemns homosexuality (Romans 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11; 1 Timothy 1:8-11; Jude 1:7).

Let's pray for people caught upwardly inwards this serious sin too stand upwardly amongst Jesus against everything that damages people's souls.
(1) My devotions address all aspects of faith inwards Christ. They don't unfairly emphasize homosexuality. But whenever I address homosexuality, I operate negative feedback from professing Christians. Usually, they indicate out that homosexuality is no worse than other sins, which isn't true. See All Sins are Not the Same, too today's Bite Size Study to clear upwardly that fake notion. Sometimes they claim it's unloving to verbalise against homosexuality, merely it is God's Word that speaks against it, too nosotros are commanded to portion God's Word. This defensive mental attitude toward homosexuality shows that civilization has succeeded inwards producing a bias that has compromised many Christians. 
(2) There is non infinite inwards this 1-minute devotion to address polygamy, merely I encourage you lot to banking concern fit out today's Bite Size Study for an explanation. The Bite Size Study too addresses the enquiry of whether individual tin last born gay.
(3) To read to a greater extent than virtually Old too New Testament laws, see False Teachings virtually Sodom too Gomorrah.

The most loving affair nosotros tin create is sympathise what the Bible teaches virtually homosexuality a God's View of Homosexuality

Bible Love Notes