Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Worthless Worship As Well As Worthy Worship - Everyone Worships Individual Or Something

 Everyone Worships Someone or Something  Worthless Worship together with Worthy Worship - Everyone Worships Someone or Something
We are made for worship, together with nosotros volition worship something. But everything nosotros worship apart from God destroys us.

Having lived inwards Europe 8 years of my life, I've seen plenty to know Communism was/is an evil scheme of government. 

Some folks believe it would go if the leaders were genuine Marxists instead of the mafia-dictator types they've unremarkably been. I don't agree.

I mean value the scheme was/is destined to neglect because it's based on a denial of God. Any person, organization, or regime that refuses to worship God ends upwards worshiping foolishness together with corruption.

"The fool says inwards his heart, 'There is no God.' They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; at that topographic point is no 1 who does good.
Psalm 14:1

Let's pray for our ain province every bit nosotros deed further from our Christian base of operations together with perilously about atheism (1 Timothy 2:1-3). 

 Everyone Worships Someone or Something  Worthless Worship together with Worthy Worship - Everyone Worships Someone or Something
In front end of the Hungarian Parliament on a previous trip
This was originally published inwards 8-2013. The next was written then: 
A calendar week from today, my hubby together with I volition last flight to Budapest to create a duet of months of ministry, convey society alongside friends, together with savor the metropolis where nosotros previously lived. Please pray for us every bit nosotros brand our terminal arrangements, pray for my health, our move security together with that God volition bless our fourth dimension inwards Hungary. Thanks hence much! Gail