Saturday, April 3, 2021

Psalm 119 Strategy - Three Ways To Overcome Temptation

Ever experience frustrated past times the temptations around yous Psalm 119 Strategy - iii Ways to Overcome Temptation
Ever experience frustrated past times the temptations around you? 

Perhaps you're struggling to swallow healthier, waste materials less fourth dimension on the TV, avoid immoral influences, overcome doubts or fears, convey God's volition for you, or stand upward for fourth dimension amongst God into your busy day. 

We all facial expression upward temptations of ane form or another, together with Psalm 119:9-16 gives us a strategy for staying pure:

♥ 1. Respect God's Word:
    Ever experience frustrated past times the temptations around yous Psalm 119 Strategy - iii Ways to Overcome Temptation
  • Study it (v.15) 
  • Obey what yous read (v.9)
♥ 2.Love God's Word (and God): 
  • rejoice inward it (v.14) 
  • delight inward it (v.16) 
♥ 3. Be committed together with deliberate close God's Word: 
  • memorize it--i.e. enshroud it inward your pump (v.11) 
  • Don't always forget it (v.16) 
  • Meditate on it, reciting (v.13) together with reflecting on it (v.15) 
"I stimulate got hidden your give-and-take inward my pump that I powerfulness non sin against yous ... With my lips I recount all the laws that come upward from your mouth. I rejoice inward next your statutes ... I meditate on your precepts together with regard your ways... I volition non fail your word."  Psalm 119:11-16

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