Monday, April 5, 2021

Eve's Temptation - Insights Into Satan's Strategies

The temptation of Eve gives us only about helpful warnings close the means Satan tempts us today Eve's Temptation - Insights into Satan's Strategies

The temptation of Eve offers insights into Satan's strategies amongst us (Genesis 3: 1-7):

1. He appeals to our ungodly desires. 
For Eve, the forbidden fruit; for us it tin endure anything nosotros shouldn't have/do.

2. He contradicts God's words. 
He told Eve she wouldn't expire if she ate the fruit. He tells us that doing the incorrect affair won't wound us.

3. He promises self-enhancement: 
He told Eve the forbidden fruit would brand her similar God (Genesis 3:5).  He tells us that sin volition brand us smarter, happier, or to a greater extent than popular.

Satan is constantly looking for ways to steal, kill together with destroy (John 10:10; 1 Peter 5:8). 

Let's beware of his tactics together with shout upward this promise:

"No temptation has overtaken you lot except what is mutual to mankind. And God is faithful; he volition non allow you lot endure tempted beyond what you lot tin bear. But when you lot are tempted, he volition likewise render a means out together with thus that you lot tin suffer it." 1 Corinthians 10:13

To produce a quick Bible written report on this, cheque out Bite Size Bible Study HERE.
The temptation of Eve gives us only about helpful warnings close the means Satan tempts us today Eve's Temptation - Insights into Satan's Strategies
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The temptation of Eve gives us only about helpful warnings close the means Satan tempts us today Eve's Temptation - Insights into Satan's Strategies