Friday, April 9, 2021

Your Heart's Firewall

God gave us a conscience to protect us from harmful actions together with thoughts Your Heart's Firewall

God gave us a conscience to protect us from harmful actions together with thoughts...

"When God made you, He gave you lot a built-in 'firewall' to protect you lot from making destructive decisions...This firewall is known equally the human conscience." 
Dan Delzell 

According to the interrogation of psychologist Robert Feldman, yesteryear historic menstruum iii most children "understand the short-term benefits of deception," together with the average adult lies thirteen times a week. 

Feldman says the "most troubling finding" from his interrogation is how easily or together with thus people prevarication together with how speedily they forget that they lied. 

Psychologist Dan Ariely agrees, explaining that what separates harmless from harmful liars is how they "rationalize their dishonesty." 

Apparently, harmful liars are those who convey lied together with thus oftentimes that they induce to believe their ain lies. 1 Timothy 4:2 describes them equally "liars whose consciences are seared.” 

Today let's intend carefully together with prayerfully nigh our record: Are nosotros careful to tell the truth together with quick to acknowledge together with repent of lies? It's the exclusively means to keep our God-given firewall. 

Source: "Liar, Liar" yesteryear Sarah Jio, Oprah Magazine, July 2013, page 77-80.
Opening quote: HERE

God gave us a conscience to protect us from harmful actions together with thoughts Your Heart's Firewall

Thursday, April 8, 2021

The Poisonous Substance Of Entitlement

Entitlement is a toxicant to our faith as well as a really mutual work The Poison of Entitlement
This trailer was my outset household unit of measurement home.

Compared to the residue of the world, America is inward a fiscal "league of its own." We "save also little, pass also much as well as borrow excessively."(1) Despite history's repeated fiscal crises, near Americans even as well as thus pass to a greater extent than than they earn.(2) 

My grandparents:
  • lived inward a tiny solid making additions when they had the money.
  • saved until they could afford large purchases.
  • vacationed entirely later the bills were paid.
In this decade, nosotros pass to a greater extent than for a distich of shoes than nosotros spent on our outset car,(3) as well as inflation doesn't work organisation human relationship for all of it.

Our attitudes toward spending are cross-generational, as well as they stalk from ii major problems: 

1.  Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 lack of contentment 
2.  Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 feel of entitlement 

I'm guilty myself only I'm shout out for God to aid me recognize this equally sin as well as remember Hebrews 13:5

"Keep your lives costless from the honey of coin as well as locomote content alongside what y'all have."
(1) NPR, HERE. In the study, I part a few to a greater extent than thoughts as well as iii Scripture passages to ponder.

Entitlement is a toxicant to our faith as well as a really mutual work The Poison of Entitlement

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Sin Carriers

What does Typhoid Mary bring to create amongst sin too sinners Sin Carriers

Typhoid Mary's mental attitude is like to the mental attitude of many unbelievers...

In the early on 1900's an Irish Gaelic ready gained notoriety for spreading Typoid Fever wherever she worked.

Because she appeared healthy, Typhoid Mary refused to believe she was a carrier. Ignoring rigid warnings yesteryear the NY Board of Health, she continued to ready nether alias names.

The antibiotics that immediately cure Typhoid Fever weren't available, too Mary ended upwards causing repeated outbreaks too several deaths. Eventually, she was caught too forced into permanent quarantine for the remaining 23 years of her life.

This truthful storey is a expert analogy for the deathly human illness called unbelief. Like Mary, nosotros tin hand the axe stubbornly spend upwards to believe we're carriers too misunderstand our symptoms. But nosotros bring no excuse for non taking the cure:

"He Himself bore our sins inwards His trunk on the cross, too therefore that nosotros mightiness decease to sin too alive to righteousness; for yesteryear His wounds yous were healed." 
1 Peter 2:24 NASB 

I'm rejoicing today that because of Christ, I'm no longer a carrier. Will yous rejoice amongst me? 

Source: Typhoid Mary

What does Typhoid Mary bring to create amongst sin too sinners Sin Carriers

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Bullets & Bibles - How Steal Bibles Salvage Soldier's Lives

We apologize for this extra step, merely this devotion from 2011 was updated in addition to is instantly located at the link below.

We pray that this devotion volition encourage you!

Bullets & Bibles

Worthless Worship As Well As Worthy Worship - Everyone Worships Individual Or Something

 Everyone Worships Someone or Something  Worthless Worship together with Worthy Worship - Everyone Worships Someone or Something
We are made for worship, together with nosotros volition worship something. But everything nosotros worship apart from God destroys us.

Having lived inwards Europe 8 years of my life, I've seen plenty to know Communism was/is an evil scheme of government. 

Some folks believe it would go if the leaders were genuine Marxists instead of the mafia-dictator types they've unremarkably been. I don't agree.

I mean value the scheme was/is destined to neglect because it's based on a denial of God. Any person, organization, or regime that refuses to worship God ends upwards worshiping foolishness together with corruption.

"The fool says inwards his heart, 'There is no God.' They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; at that topographic point is no 1 who does good.
Psalm 14:1

Let's pray for our ain province every bit nosotros deed further from our Christian base of operations together with perilously about atheism (1 Timothy 2:1-3). 

 Everyone Worships Someone or Something  Worthless Worship together with Worthy Worship - Everyone Worships Someone or Something
In front end of the Hungarian Parliament on a previous trip
This was originally published inwards 8-2013. The next was written then: 
A calendar week from today, my hubby together with I volition last flight to Budapest to create a duet of months of ministry, convey society alongside friends, together with savor the metropolis where nosotros previously lived. Please pray for us every bit nosotros brand our terminal arrangements, pray for my health, our move security together with that God volition bless our fourth dimension inwards Hungary. Thanks hence much! Gail

Monday, April 5, 2021

Eve's Temptation - Insights Into Satan's Strategies

The temptation of Eve gives us only about helpful warnings close the means Satan tempts us today Eve's Temptation - Insights into Satan's Strategies

The temptation of Eve offers insights into Satan's strategies amongst us (Genesis 3: 1-7):

1. He appeals to our ungodly desires. 
For Eve, the forbidden fruit; for us it tin endure anything nosotros shouldn't have/do.

2. He contradicts God's words. 
He told Eve she wouldn't expire if she ate the fruit. He tells us that doing the incorrect affair won't wound us.

3. He promises self-enhancement: 
He told Eve the forbidden fruit would brand her similar God (Genesis 3:5).  He tells us that sin volition brand us smarter, happier, or to a greater extent than popular.

Satan is constantly looking for ways to steal, kill together with destroy (John 10:10; 1 Peter 5:8). 

Let's beware of his tactics together with shout upward this promise:

"No temptation has overtaken you lot except what is mutual to mankind. And God is faithful; he volition non allow you lot endure tempted beyond what you lot tin bear. But when you lot are tempted, he volition likewise render a means out together with thus that you lot tin suffer it." 1 Corinthians 10:13

To produce a quick Bible written report on this, cheque out Bite Size Bible Study HERE.
The temptation of Eve gives us only about helpful warnings close the means Satan tempts us today Eve's Temptation - Insights into Satan's Strategies
Why non add together only about to a greater extent than of God's Word to your schedule yesteryear having a 1-minute devotion similar this i delivered to your electronic mail each weekday. Sign upward for a gratuitous subscription to Bible Love Notes together with instruct a gratuitous e-booklet. Find out to a greater extent than HERE.

The temptation of Eve gives us only about helpful warnings close the means Satan tempts us today Eve's Temptation - Insights into Satan's Strategies

Look At The Firefly Together With Praise Our Creator

Some incredible facts close fireflies in addition to to a greater extent than or less incredible thoughts close our God Look at the Firefly in addition to Praise Our Creator

God created a wonderful globe for us to enjoy...

They nation our globe merely happened ... 
from a random explosion or something ... 
and in addition to then randomly evolved from mutations ... 
with stronger organisms clobbering weaker ones.

But expect at the firefly. 

Oxygen combines alongside iii other substances inwards the cells of this tiny põrnikas in addition to produces a glow that turns it into a delightful piddling flash light. 

But it's to a greater extent than complex than that: different species of fireflies convey unlike "flash fingerprints" alongside carefully timed in addition to numbered pulses in addition to flight patterns. 

But it gets better: There are exclusively two places inwards the globe where fireflies flash inwards unison inwards a "simultaneous bioluminescence" -- Southeast Asia in addition to Tennessee. No 1 knows why. Nor does anyone know why fireflies don't alive due west of the Rocky Mountains. 

I don't know why either, but I'm proud to say: “Thou fine art worthy, O Lord, to have glory in addition to respect in addition to power: for thou hast created all things, in addition to for thy pleasance they are in addition to were created.” Revelation 4:11 (KJV)
Source: 10 Fun Firefly Facts

100 yr former Hungarian farm
To read another 1-minute devotions on the wonder of God's creation:
Or banking concern lucifer out the beauty of God's creation inwards the pictorial postal service I did final yr when nosotros were on a

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Understanding Prayer Inwards Context

Prayer is oftentimes misunderstood because nosotros oftentimes shape beliefs based on partial noesis of  Understanding Prayer inward Context

Prayer is a terribly misunderstood subject. 

Why? Because nosotros oftentimes shape beliefs based on partial noesis of Scripture. Let me demonstrate you lot what I mean: 

Matthew 7:7 says inquire as well as receive.

John 14:14 says inquire anything as well as God volition produce it.

John 15:7 says inquire as well as have if you lot rest inward God as well as His Word.

John 15:16 says inquire as well as have equally you lot ship fruit for the Kingdom.

James 4:2-3 says you lot don't have answers because you lot don't inquire or because you lot bring selfish motives.  

1 John 3:21-22 says you'll have what you lot inquire inward prayer if you lot are obeying God as well as bring a clear conscience.   

1 John 5:14-15 says inquire according to God's volition as well as receive.  

If nosotros alone know the outset 2 verses, we'll assume God gives us anything nosotros inquire inward prayer. When nosotros know all the passages, nosotros sympathise God answers prayers of sincere Christians who pray according to His will. 

It's critical that nosotros written report the full message of Scripture. 

For a to a greater extent than thorough await at this subject, banking venture represent out my 5-minute Bite Size Bible Study on this concept, Pieces Parts, as well as stance my insights on the Pieces Parts written report HERE. 
Why non add together approximately to a greater extent than of God's Word to your schedule past times having a 1-minute devotion delivered to your electronic mail each weekday. Sign upwards for a costless subscription to Bible Love Notes as well as become a costless e-booklet. Find out to a greater extent than HERE.

Prayer is oftentimes misunderstood because nosotros oftentimes shape beliefs based on partial noesis of  Understanding Prayer inward Context

Bible Love Notes

? Does God Loathe Shrimp Together With Other Dumb Questions ?

There are lots of dumb questions circulating inwards take in to Old Testament laws ? Does God Hate Shrimp in addition to Other Dumb Questions ?

Understanding Old in addition to New Testament laws - which ones use to us in addition to which don't...

Sometimes people discredit New Testament commands yesteryear comparison them to Old Testament laws. For example: "If you lot believe premarital sexual activity is wrong, you lot besides involve to quit eating shrimp."(1)

But the Bible is non a constabulary book, it's an unfolding even out (a truthful story). Among other things, it contains:
  • History in addition to civil laws for the O.T. acre of Israel.
  • Temporary O.T. sacrificial in addition to dietary laws foreshadowing Christ's redemption.(2)
  • O.T. laws containing permanent principles that bring the same or unlike application(3) for us today. 

Does this audio confusing? Then exactly inquire this question
"Is the constabulary repeated inwards the New Testament as a command (not exactly a reference to an Old Testament law)?" If it is, it applies to us.
It's God place, non ours, to create upward one's hear which laws are permanent. God doesn't loathe shrimp. He hates direct that damages our souls.


For a practiced alert against Old Testament law-keeping, read the majority of Galatians.
(1) There is an Old Testament ascendance against eating shrimp (Love, Sex, in addition to Truth 
(2) Sacrificial in addition to cleansing laws ended alongside Jesus (Hebrews 10:1-22). Dietary laws besides ended alongside Jesus (Acts 10:9-15; Matthew 15:10-11, 17-20).  For to a greater extent than details, encounter Bite Size Bible Study Old Testament Laws.
(3) Some sins were punished severely nether Israel's civil laws inwards the Old Testament, in addition to these punishments are non re-commanded, fifty-fifty though the direct is prohibited.

Would you lot similar to produce a quick, bite-sized report on this devotion? You tin produce that HERE.

There are lots of dumb questions circulating inwards take in to Old Testament laws ? Does God Hate Shrimp in addition to Other Dumb Questions ?

Bible Love Notes

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Psalm 119 Strategy - Three Ways To Overcome Temptation

Ever experience frustrated past times the temptations around yous Psalm 119 Strategy - iii Ways to Overcome Temptation
Ever experience frustrated past times the temptations around you? 

Perhaps you're struggling to swallow healthier, waste materials less fourth dimension on the TV, avoid immoral influences, overcome doubts or fears, convey God's volition for you, or stand upward for fourth dimension amongst God into your busy day. 

We all facial expression upward temptations of ane form or another, together with Psalm 119:9-16 gives us a strategy for staying pure:

♥ 1. Respect God's Word:
    Ever experience frustrated past times the temptations around yous Psalm 119 Strategy - iii Ways to Overcome Temptation
  • Study it (v.15) 
  • Obey what yous read (v.9)
♥ 2.Love God's Word (and God): 
  • rejoice inward it (v.14) 
  • delight inward it (v.16) 
♥ 3. Be committed together with deliberate close God's Word: 
  • memorize it--i.e. enshroud it inward your pump (v.11) 
  • Don't always forget it (v.16) 
  • Meditate on it, reciting (v.13) together with reflecting on it (v.15) 
"I stimulate got hidden your give-and-take inward my pump that I powerfulness non sin against yous ... With my lips I recount all the laws that come upward from your mouth. I rejoice inward next your statutes ... I meditate on your precepts together with regard your ways... I volition non fail your word."  Psalm 119:11-16

Why non add together some to a greater extent than of God's Word to your schedule past times having a 1-minute devotion delivered to your electronic mail each weekday. Sign upward for a gratis subscription to Bible Love Notes together with become a gratis e-booklet. Find out to a greater extent than HERE.

Doin' The Proverbs Iv Walk

s why nosotros request to acquire to create the Proverbs  Doin' the Proverbs iv Walk

"We're ever making a determination to surrender something that nosotros value less for something nosotros value more." Paul Richard, President, Consumer Financial Education Institute 

Have yous noticed grocery stores seat staples similar milk as well as eggs at the dorsum then nosotros convey to acquire through the shop to acquire them?

To avoid temptation, nosotros tin acquire prepared amongst a listing as well as overstep along our eyes straight ahead instead of glancing at the aisles of temptation along the way. 

Satan employs this tactic too. He lines our path amongst aisles of incorrect choices as well as distractions, but about of which are real costly. 

He'd similar to divert, delay or derail us, making us pass all nosotros convey earlier nosotros hit God's goals for our lives.

To avoid temptation, nosotros tin create the Proverbs iv walk: "Let your eyes expect straight ahead; ready your gaze straight earlier you.  Give careful idea to the paths for your feet..." Proverbs 4:25-26 

What are but about practical ways yous walk inwards the Proverbs iv path?
s why nosotros request to acquire to create the Proverbs  Doin' the Proverbs iv Walk
Why non add together but about to a greater extent than of God's Word to your schedule past times having a 1-minute devotion delivered to your e-mail each weekday. Sign upwards for a gratuitous subscription to Bible Love Notes as well as acquire a gratuitous e-booklet. Find out to a greater extent than HERE.

s why nosotros request to acquire to create the Proverbs  Doin' the Proverbs iv Walk

Misery Loves Company

ve been sharing Bible Love Notes devotions on  Misery Loves Company

Since I've been sharing Bible Love Notes devotions on Pinterest, I've discovered that roughly atheists are specially bothered yesteryear posts nearly creation

I ever endeavour to reply courteously simply invariably, I'm met amongst insults nearly my intelligence.  

I sympathise why Christians are evangelistic: nosotros believe people waste materials their lives hither on Blue Planet together with pass eternity inward hell if they don't know Christ. 

But I'm ever confused yesteryear these evangelistic atheists. What role create they convey inward trying to convince us there's no God? Why create they assist that nosotros convey faith?

We believe inward an all-knowing, all-loving, all-wise Creator God. But they desire us to believe we're mere accidents of nature.

We believe we'll pass eternity inward paradise amongst our Lord. But they desire us to believe when life is over, it's over.

It seems equally if "misery loves company." No wonder God says: 
The fool says inward his heart, “There is no God.” Psalm 14:1

ve been sharing Bible Love Notes devotions on  Misery Loves Company

Friday, April 2, 2021

Some Folks Require Law, Others Require Grace

Why closed to folks demand to travel confronted alongside the constabulary earlier they tin dismiss listen most Grace in addition to oth Some Folks Need Law, Others Need Grace

We should ponder the incredible grace of God in addition to travel amazed...

Fifteen years ago, I was alongside a grouping of Christians who did a survey of sorts. 

We went to Old Town Ft. Collins, Colorado on a Sabbatum nighttime in addition to asked passers-by if they had obeyed all of the Ten Commandments. 

Amazingly, 90% said they had. Most too told us they idea they were "good enough" to larn into heaven. 

Evangelist Ray Comfort says nosotros should emphasize sin when sharing Christ alongside proud people in addition to emphasize grace alongside humble people.

If people listen most grace earlier agreement their sin, they may non come across their demand for grace. 

Even those of us who know Christ sometimes forget the important of the word.

Today let's ponder the fact that the reward of sin is run exactly the gift of God is eternal life (Romans 6:23). We deserve hell because of our personal sins exactly we've* received eternal life instead. That's worth pondering daily.

*Those who accept chosen to believe in addition to follow Christ.

Why closed to folks demand to travel confronted alongside the constabulary earlier they tin dismiss listen most Grace in addition to oth Some Folks Need Law, Others Need Grace
Why non add together closed to to a greater extent than of God's Word to your schedule yesteryear having a 1-minute devotion delivered to your electronic mail each weekday. Sign upwardly for a complimentary subscription to Bible Love Notes in addition to larn a complimentary e-booklet. Find out to a greater extent than HERE.

Why closed to folks demand to travel confronted alongside the constabulary earlier they tin dismiss listen most Grace in addition to oth Some Folks Need Law, Others Need Grace

My Eclectic Bluish & White

My Mismatched Dishes in addition to How They Reflect God My Eclectic Blue & White

Talking almost the Lord over sugary slices of Derby Pie, my friend said she liked my eclectic collection of blueish in addition to white dishes.

It all started years agone when I broke a few dinner plates. Instead of buying a novel set, I started collecting dissimilar patterns of blueish in addition to white, peculiarly on sale tables or at flea markets. 

This eclectic blending is somewhat similar the household unit of measurement of God: nosotros belong together despite our dissimilar patterns because we're alike inward the most of import ways.

But there's a major difference: I toss out my broken dishes. God's collection includes solely broken dishes that He's rescued in addition to repaired.

Those of us eating Derby Pie off my blue-and-whites that hateful solar daytime are dissimilar patterns--we're from dissimilar denominations in addition to backgrounds. But we've all been rescued, repaired in addition to cleaned yesteryear Christ, in addition to we're eager to serve at His tabular array (Ephesians 2:10 in addition to 2 Timothy 2:20-21).  

I'm in addition to therefore glad that many of yous are at that tabular array too!

My Mismatched Dishes in addition to How They Reflect God My Eclectic Blue & White

Thursday, April 1, 2021

God Frequently Exchanges Our Plans For His Plans

We never know when God has detours planned for our life God Often Exchanges our Plans for His Plans

We never know when God has detours planned for our life, but He ever does what's best for us. (This postal service written September 2013.)

We never know when God has detours planned for our life God Often Exchanges our Plans for His Plans
We felt unsettled, together with hence nosotros decided to receive got a gratis military machine "hop"(1) to England, together with pray for 3 months most God's plans for us. Or together with hence nosotros thought... 

God detoured us large time, together with nosotros ended upward inwards Budapest, Hungary--a house we'd never been. Our 3 months at that topographic point turned into 5 years together with somewhere along the way, nosotros "became a piddling Hungarian." 

We dearest the Hungarian people, nosotros dearest the country, together with fifty-fifty afterward nosotros returned to U.S. of A. inwards 2009, we've made annual visits to Republic of Hungary to create ministry. 

So today nosotros receive got a flying from Charlotte to Munich to Budapest-- fifteen hours total, quite a haul for nosotros 60-somethings. 

We receive got our agenda for this trip, only similar nosotros had our plans for England inwards 2004. I Wonder what wonderful detours God has planned?

"We tin ship away brand our plans, but the LORD determines our steps...Commit your actions to the LORD, together with your plans volition succeed." Proverbs 16:9, 16:3 

Last yr helping alongside evangelistic English linguistic communication classes inwards Tapolca, Hungary.
Sziasztok seems similar an appropriate subtitle for this devotion. It's the agency you lot tell howdy or good-bye to unopen friends inwards Hungarian, together with hence I tell good-bye to all of you, but it's actually a howdy because I volition driblet dead along writing Bible Love Notes during our two 1/2 months inwards Republic of Hungary together with our two weeks inwards Croatia. Expect roughly insights from across the body of body of water : )

(1) Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 military machine "hop" is a  flying that active together with retired military machine tin ship away receive got on a space-available basis. Because the military machine has downsized inwards Europe, they are less available, together with hence nosotros immediately receive got regular airlines. 

There's No Such Matter Equally Practiced Sins

aged adult woman was talking together with thence loudly that I couldn There's No Such Thing As Good Sins

The college-aged adult woman was talking together with thence loudly that I couldn't assist hearing her at the eating theatre tabular array adjacent to mine.

"I know I did the incorrect thing, but it's good. It showed me I'm only similar everyone else at the church. I'm non perfect." 

Her sin was significant, but she went on or together with thence other v minutes talking most it without expressing whatever genuine sorrow.

I intend she represents all of us at times, but I'm peculiarly concerned most the prevalence of her mental attitude inwards the modern Church.

We've failed to grasp God's mental attitude toward sin. 

Sin "rusts" our souls, sears our consciences, together with damages our hearts. Most importantly, it damages our relationship amongst God (Isaiah 59:2).

The Bible says:
  • Our sins should brand us experience piteous (James 4:8-10).
  • Refusal to confess sin is similar slapping God inwards the expression upwardly together with emptying our view of His Word (1 John 1:8-10).
Faith inwards Jesus leads to godliness, non permissiveness (Titus 1:1).

Even if y'all don't unremarkably create the Bite Size Bible studies on Monday, I encourage y'all to create this one. It gives a Biblical illustration of insincere repentance that serves equally a alert together with helps us empathize sincere repentance better. Check it out HERE.

aged adult woman was talking together with thence loudly that I couldn There's No Such Thing As Good Sins

I Vicious Inward Dear Amongst Unopen To Other Man

How falling inwards dearest alongside around other Man saved my spousal human relationship  I Fell In Love With Another Man

When y'all read this, my married adult man too I volition live jet-lagged inwards Budapest. (written 9-2013)

We've moved fifteen times during our married life,(1) thus it was appropriate that nosotros flew from 1 continent to around other yesterday. H5N1 perfect 43rd anniversary celebration for "nomads" similar us. 

We were married September 5, 1970, 2 selfish, unsaved teens,(2) too in that place was truly no promise that our spousal human relationship would survive. But too then I met around other Man too cruel inwards love...and that Man, Jesus, revolutionized our thinking too continues to revolutionize our lives. 

The entirely argue nosotros 2 selfish 60-somethings convey stayed together is because nosotros both dearest Jesus. The entirely reason. 

We non entirely owe Him our lives too eternity, nosotros owe Him our marriage. 

When nosotros met each other equally teenagers, nosotros never idea close the future, never realized that later on 43 years of spousal human relationship nosotros would live nonetheless live the "bestest" of friends. And nosotros owe it all to Jesus, really

Marriage Devotions. I entirely shipping 1-minute devotions to subscribers, only this is 1 of several resources available on my site. I promise you'll honour these useful. In Christ, In Budapest, Gail 

(1) moves from 1 terra firma to another. If y'all count intercity moves, it would live 22. 
(2) Michael truly turned xx a calendar month earlier our wedding.

How falling inwards dearest alongside around other Man saved my spousal human relationship  I Fell In Love With Another Man