Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Who Owns You?

The greatest exam for our organized religious belief inwards God is when nosotros are beingness mistreated Who Owns You?

It’s 1 affair to trust Christ when things are relatively equal for us…it’s quite about other to trust Him inwards the midst of inequality as well as oppression.

In the famous fictional mass Uncle Tom's Cabin, the demonic plantation possessor threatens to torture Tom if he doesn't rhythm out a sick slave woman. When Tom refuses, Legree reminds Tom he owns him “body as well as soul.” 

Looking toward sky Tom says,
“No! no! no! my individual ain’t yours...You haven’t bought it,--ye can’t purchase it! It’s been bought as well as paid for, yesteryear 1 that is able to boot the bucket along it.”(1)
Legree couldn’t rhythm out the sky out of Tom. In this 1 area, Tom had the “upper Hand.”

Tom represents real-life Christians who persevere inwards the midst of cruelty, persecution, as well as oppression because they know they've been purchased yesteryear the blood of Christ. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). 

Please accept a minute to pray for our brothers as well as sisters who are suffering for their faith.

And any difficulties yous confront today, yell upwardly Jesus is the ultimate main as well as keeper of your soul.
(1) Chapter 33, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Harriet Beecher Stowe, 1852

I admire African American Christian slaves who trusted Christ inwards the midst of mistreatment. And I pray that nosotros volition verbalise as well as act against all vestiges of bigotry left inwards our patch inwards the Name of Him Who bought us at dandy price. Gail

For other 1-minute devotions virtually the organized religious belief of enslaved blacks as well as racial bigotry:
The Freedom of a Slave
The Freedom of Fogiveness
Flags or People 
300 Uses for the Peanut 
Clean Stables   
He Overcame Evil

The greatest exam for our organized religious belief inwards God is when nosotros are beingness mistreated Who Owns You?

Bible Love Notes