Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Alphabetical Prayer

 H5N1 method for keeping your focus inwards prayer Alphabetical Prayer
Prayer should live on spontaneous as well as natural. But sometimes nosotros postulate assistance focusing (Ephesians 6:18; Colossians 4:2).

Recently I woke inwards the middle of the night, feeling God wanted me to pray for a friend, exactly I couldn’t actually pray beyond a judgement or two. 

I acknowledge I was tired, exactly sometimes I convey this work when I’m broad awake. 

So I decided to create an alphabet prayer, praying through the alphabet.

For example:
A – Attitudes, Abilities, Acceptance, Alertness
B – Balance, Beliefs, Boldness, overcoming Bitterness
C – Courage, Comfort, Creativity, Commitment, Contentment
D – Decisions, Desires, Discouragement, Dependence on God

If I couldn’t mean value of something plumbing equipment for a letter, I went on to the next. But every bit I prayed, I discovered to a greater extent than areas where prayer was needed.

Next fourth dimension you’re having difficulty praying, why non laissez passer on it a try. It’s likewise a keen means to "count your blessings" or listing characteristics of God for thanksgiving as well as praise (Philippians 4:6).

Prompts & Prayers as well as Set Your Mind or Set Your Alarm
Some additional examples of praying the alphabet:
E – Effectiveness, Enthusiasm, overcoming Evil
F – Friends, Family, Favor, Faithfulness, Fear, Forgiveness, Fruitfulness
G – Graciousness, Gratefulness, Gentleness
H – Help, Holiness, Health, Humility, Hope
I – Influences, Inspiration, Insight
J – Joy, Justice
K – Kindness, Knowledge 
L – Love, Loyalty, Losses
M – Meekness, Motivation, Modesty
N – New life, Needs, spiritual Nurture
O – Overcoming sin, Optimism, Obedience
P – Peace, Purpose, Patience, overcoming Pride
Q – Quality of Quiet times, gentle as well as Quiet spirit
R – Relationships, Righteousness, Resisting the Devil
S – Self-control, Self-denial, Stability, Submission, Service, Strength
T – Trust, Thankfulness, Teachable
U – Unity, Uncompromising, Understanding
V – Victorious, Values
W – Wisdom, Work, Weariness, Witness
X – Xenial (hospitable)
Y – Yielding to God’s will, Yearning for God’s truth
Z – Zeal, Zest for God
Can you lot mean value of other skillful prompts from the alphabet?