Tuesday, January 7, 2020

As Serious Equally Witchcraft Or Idol Worship

Despite the faux teaching that God sees all sins precisely the same As Serious As Witchcraft or Idol Worship
Samuel rebuked King Saul for picking in addition to choosing which of God's instructions he would follow. Saul stubbornly defended himself (1 Samuel 15).

Then Samuel said, "Rebellion is every bit sinful every bit witchcraft, in addition to stubbornness every bit bad every bit worshiping idols" (1 Samuel 15:23). 

Saul insincerely apologized, in addition to God removed his anointing from Saul that day.

Despite the faux teaching that God sees all sins precisely the same As Serious As Witchcraft or Idol Worship
Christians empathize the serious nature of witchcraft in addition to idol worship – merely create nosotros empathize the serious nature of rebellion in addition to stubbornness?

Just every bit King Saul amended God's instructions to delight his men (1 Samuel 15:24), many professing Christians ameliorate God's commands to delight peers, culture, or their sinful desires. 

They debate their twisted views every bit stubbornly every bit Saul argued his.

Culture promotes foul language, drunkenness, focus on outward appearance, materialism, premarital sex, homosexuality, transgenderism, in addition to other evils.

Professing Christians who defend whatever of these things are inwards stubborn rebellion against God in addition to His Word.

We must guard our hearts against rebellion in addition to stubbornness every bit seriously every bit nosotros guard against witchcraft in addition to idolatry. 

Note: This in addition to other passages inwards Scripture nation us that God considers roughly sins to a greater extent than serious than others. Unfortunately, at that spot is a faux belief circulating with Christians that all sins are equal inwards God's eyes. Read what Scripture genuinely teaches virtually this subject: All Sins Are Not The Same

To read Saul's ridiculous excuses: Short List
To read to a greater extent than virtually Saul's rebellion: Partial Obedience
Despite the faux teaching that God sees all sins precisely the same As Serious As Witchcraft or Idol Worship
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