Saturday, August 31, 2019

Worth Every Minute!

As a novel believer, I was excited to read God’s Word each day. I was addicted inwards the best feel of the word. 

I hungered for companionship amongst others who knew Jesus was existent as well as relevant. I faithfully attended my weekly Bible written report as well as prayer group.

I was a immature woman nurture amongst 2 petty ones nether the historic catamenia of 2 years, both inwards diapers. My hubby was a soldier amongst long duty hours. But fourth dimension amongst Jesus was my priority. 

Wow! First honey is grand, isn’t it?

Forty-five years later, I honey Jesus fifty-fifty more, only I necessitate to champaign of written report myself to prioritize fourth dimension amongst Him. 

Otherwise, I allow other things brand it the way.

But I’m inwards this for the long haul. 

He’s my Lord, my Savior, my Way, Truth, as well as Life.

I desire to know Him amend (Philippians 3:10).

I desire to delight Him (Ephesians 5:10).

I desire to smoothen for Him (Matthew 5:16; Ephesians 5:8).

He is worthy of my best (Matthew 10:38).

Can I piece of job an “Amen!”?