Sunday, October 27, 2013

Is Sin Its Ain Punishment?

minute devotion examines the faux disceptation Is Sin its Own Punishment?

Some beliefs audio cracking until nosotros seek out them carefully (Colossians 2:8).

Here's 1 example: "Sin is its ain punishment." This belief has grown inwards popularity because people are no longer comfortable amongst a God who punishes sinners.(1) 

But it takes real footling idea to realize this belief is faulty. 

There are innocent victims who endure lifelong consequences acre their psychopathic abusers alive comfortable lives without remorse. Innocent people sometimes become to prison, together with guilty people sometimes become free. Some people endure from guilt, some don't.

If sin were its ain punishment, parents wouldn't request to punish their children together with prisons wouldn't live on necessary. 

As Christians nosotros escape the eternal consequences of our sins through our organized religious belief inwards Christ. We may endure earthly consequences, but sin doesn't punish us equally nosotros deserve. 

Unbelievers may or may non endure earthly consequences for their sins, but they volition sure live on punished yesteryear God if they don't repent together with plough to Jesus (Romans 2:6; 2 Thessalonians 1:6-10). 

We reap what nosotros sow (Galatians 6:7), but sum judge isn't an earthly hope (Matthew 16:27; 1 Timothy 5:24-25). 

We shouldn't downplay God's correct to punish the unrepentant whatever to a greater extent than than nosotros should downplay His selection to forgive the repentant.
(1) The incredibly pop book, The Shack, shares a twisted gospel message composed of pop errors similar this one. To read more: 5 Lies About God's Character Promoted inwards The Shack

Modern civilization is attempting to strip God of His only wrath, together with purpose of the work comes from thinking of God equally a man. Men are non able to mete out perfect justice, but our all-knowing God is able. See Are you lot Ashamed of God's Wrath?  

minute devotion examines the faux disceptation Is Sin its Own Punishment?

Bible Love Notes