Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Grumpy Witness

Sometimes nosotros experience similar nosotros direct maintain a correct to complain Grumpy Witness

Our trip abode took 38 hours of move time: cancelled together with delayed flights; long, inefficient lines; misplaced together with delayed luggage; cramped seating; long layovers. 

We move often, together with I commonly accept these things inwards stride, only I was peculiarly weary, having dealt amongst sleepless nights together with hard human relationship problems inwards the preceding weeks.

So, on the lastly leg of the trip, I allow the “old woman” accept command together with I complained on together with off for a proficient 2 hours every 2d my hubby together with I waited inwards airdrome lines (Ephesians 4:22-24).

When nosotros finally got to our gate, several strangers began conversations amongst us, together with nosotros shared that nosotros were Christians.

Suddenly it striking me. What if these folks had been standing or walking closed plenty to overhear my sarcastic, negative remarks? What sort of a witness had I been? 

I did myself no proficient past times complaining together with I may direct maintain harmed my witness for Christ (Philippians 2:14-16; Ephesians 5:15-16).

Help me, Lord, to acquire to focus on what is proficient together with rejoice inwards difficulties which refine my organized faith (Philippians 4:8; James 1:2-4).

This province of affairs was a proficient reminder for me to revisit closed to devotions from my archives:

10 Reasons Why Complaining is Toxic

The Power of Negative Self-talk

Think About It

Always Witnessing

Sometimes nosotros experience similar nosotros direct maintain a correct to complain Grumpy Witness

Bible Love Notes